
What types of seeds can be embedded in seed paper?

What types of seeds can be embedded in seed paper?

A wide variety of seeds can be embedded in seed paper, allowing for diverse and vibrant plant growth. Common choices include wildflower seeds, which produce beautiful blooms and attract pollinators, making them a popular option for wedding invitations and greeting cards. Other popular seed choices include herbs like basil, thyme, or lavender, which can be planted and used in cooking or for their aromatic qualities. Additionally, vegetable and tree seeds can also be embedded in seed paper, offering the possibility of growing your own vegetables or contributing to reforestation efforts.

At After Hours Creative we use UK made wildflower seed paper that contains UK native wildflower seeds including: Birdsfoot Trefoil, Black Knapweed, Black Medick, Meadow Buttercup, Musk Mallow, Ox-Eye Daisy, Ribwort Plantain, Red Campion, Salad Burnet, Self Heal, White Campion, Yarrow & Grass Seed. We chose this particular printable seed paper for its environmental benefits to biodiversity and pollinators. You can learn more about these 13 wildflowers by checking out our benefits of 13 native wildflowers in seed paper blog post.

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