
What is the minimum order quantity for foil edge gilded business cards?

What is the minimum order quantity for foil edge gilded business cards?

The minimum order quantity for foil edge gilded business cards can vary depending on the printing company. Our MOQ is 100 cards, however, most customers typically order quantities from 250 to 500 cards to get a better cost per card.

When it comes to foil edge gilded business cards, it's important to consider that the process of adding foil edges requires additional time and labour, which can increase the cost per card compared to traditional business cards. However, the unique and luxurious look of foil edge gilded cards can make them worth the investment, especially for businesses or individuals who want to make a bold impression.

If you're interested in ordering foil edge gilded business cards, please reach out to our studio to discuss pricing and production times and we'll be able to provide you with a quick quote.

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