
Matte vs Uncoated Business Cards | After Hours Creative

What is the difference between matte vs uncoated business cards?

Matte and uncoated business cards are two different types of finishes that affect the look and feel of your business card.

matte business card

Matte Business Cards:

Finish: Matte business cards have a non-reflective finish due to having a matte or velvet lamination applied to the surface. They don't have a shiny or glossy appearance.

Texture: They tend to have a smooth, velvety texture. This can give them a more sophisticated and elegant feel.

Appearance: Colours on matte cards may appear slightly muted compared to their glossy counterparts. However, this provides a more subtle and refined look.

Less Prone to Fingerprints: Matte finishes are less likely to show fingerprints or smudges compared to glossy finishes. The only exception to the rule is when the card is predominantly black. Black has a tendency to show fingerprints.


uncoated business card

Uncoated Business Cards:

Finish: Uncoated business cards do not have any additional coating applied to them. They have a natural, tactile feel.

Texture: They have a rougher and more textured surface compared to matte or glossy cards. This texture can convey a sense of authenticity and can be appealing to those looking for a more organic or artisanal feel.

Appearance: Colours on uncoated cards may appear more muted and absorbent compared to both matte and glossy cards. This can give them a rustic or vintage look.

Writeability: Uncoated cards are excellent for writing on. They are ideal for appointment cards.

Absorbency: The paper used for uncoated cards can be more absorbent, which may affect the way ink or toner interacts with the paper.


Choosing Between Them:

The choice between matte and uncoated business cards ultimately depends on your brand image, personal preference, and the message you want to convey. Matte cards often convey a sense of elegance and professionalism, while uncoated cards can evoke a more tactile and natural feel. If you plan on writing on the cards by hand, both matte and uncoated options are suitable, but uncoated cards may offer a slightly better writing experience due to their rougher texture.

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