
Is foil edge gilding expensive?

Is foil edge gilding expensive?

Foil edge gilding is a specialised and intricate process that involves applying a thin layer of foil to the edges of paper or card stock. This process adds a touch of luxury to printed materials, making them stand out from the competition. However, as with any custom finishing technique, there are some costs associated with foil edge gilding. The exact cost of the process can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the printed materials, the thickness of the paper or card, and the desired colour of the foil.

While foil edge gilding may be more expensive than other finishing techniques, it is important to consider the added value it brings to your printed materials. The luxurious and eye-catching effect of foil edge gilding can help to create a lasting impression on customers and clients. In addition, investing in high-quality printed materials that utilize foil edge gilding can help to position your business as a premium brand that values quality and attention to detail. Ultimately, the cost of foil edge gilding is a worthwhile investment that can help to elevate your brand and set it apart from the competition.

Check out our prices for foil edge gilded business cards or get in touch for a quote for a different edge gilding project.

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