
client won't be home for package delivery, not home to sign for package

My order is supposed to be delivered today, but I won't be home. What can I do?

If you won't be available on the designated date of delivery for your package, you can reach out to the courier to re-arrange delivery for another day. Here are the customer service phone numbers for FedEx by location:

FedEx UK (Domestic delivery): 03456 00 00 68; FedEx UK (international delivery): 03456 07 08 09

FedEx EU: FedEX EU Phone numbers, by country

FedEx USA: 1.800.463.3339

If you are pressed for time and cannot reach out to the courier, please get in touch with a friendly team member at After Hours Creative, by completing our contact form on the "Contact" page on our website. We will reach out to the courier on your behalf to possibly re-schedule with delivery.

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